
We, the Christians of this time, judge people so readily, so speedily, it scares me. Recently, I was watching TV with some people I know, and the Austrian singer Conchita Wurst was a part of the program we were watching. From a Christian standpoint, the idea of not accepting your gender is not very Biblical. One of the first things everyone said in our living room was “Oh, how disgusting. I get sick to the stomach when I see Conchita.” I was blown away. My response was that God had created that lovely person, and loves Conchita as much as He loves every other person. They blew off my remark as if I was crazy.

And I realized a truth about Christians today. We judge. We have such a desire to be “right” and “good” that we tend to immediately point out faults or non-Biblical things in others. We try to increase our own self-worth by pointing out what every other person does wrong.

We are to try to be MORE like Christ. Not less! Christ isn’t known for judging everyone! An adulteress was brought to Him, and the most amazing demonstration of mercy was shown. “Let him who is without fault…” We are not without fault! I have made many mistakes in life. That means I will not cast any stones. People can cast at me all they want, but I will not cast a stone. I have faults. I have mistakes. Therefore, I will not judge.

But so many of us do. Christians are even known for being judgemental. The Christian community can be so strong against homosexuals, it only drives them away from the Church, and from God. Yes, God disapproves of homosexuality, but we are not authorized to judge. We are given many, many powers by our God, but we are denied the right to judge. Yet, many Christians ignore their God-given rights, such as to bind things on earth, and instead steal a right that isn’t theirs, to judge those only God can judge.

When God judges me on that Judgement Day, I do not want Him to look me in the eye and say, “David, you are guilty of trying to take away from Me a right that is only Mine to have.” Yes, He will forgive me when I judge. But when I judge, it is like an attempt to dethrone God.

We cannot judge. God forgive us. It needs to stop.

Stop the judging!